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cannot connect to web site
cannot connect to web site from two home computers but can connect from other computers. Get Internet explorer can not display the web page. ... 18 Jun 2010 08:03
xp no boot menu no key board option
My friend's parents have asked me to "fix their computer" I think the only problem is: I need to re-install XP and drivers. The only problem with that is I cannot get to the boot menu. On start up, the screen goes blank and goes to the "megatrends" screen where it tells you the status of your HD and stuff. I tr... 16 Jun 2010 17:44
Hard drive won't power up
I have a Gateway desktop (Win XP Home w/sp3 IE 7) and lately it has been slowing down painfully slow despite running Avira anti-virus, Spybot,, PConPoint, doing disk cleanup, defrag, etc. Last Thursday I turned on the monitor and when I pushed the power button on the hard drive it turned itself off after a minute s... 16 Jun 2010 18:51
Welcome Screen and Fast User Swicthing Disabled
During the install of VMware Server 2, I ticked the box to automatically startup and shutdown the virtual machines with the host OS. To do this, VMware replaced MSGINA.DLL with VMGINA.DLL in the registry because it needs to control the login screen. It also installed Client Services for Netware on all network cont... 15 Jun 2010 04:22
Installing XP Pro SP3
Last night I installed IE8 (no problems) while I was running XP SP2. I then discovered that SP2 support is done next month so I decided to install SP3. No matter what I do I cannot get it to install. I keep getting the error "Access Denied." I've tried literally every suggestion Microsoft offers on http://suppo... 16 Jun 2010 13:17
Average download size of auto updates
Can anyone give me an estimate of how many MB in downloads per day on average auto updates will produce? Or alternatively how to track the size of downloaded updates on a daily basis? I'm trying to monitor closely the downloads on our system and therefore want to have these numbers. I know manual control of up... 14 Jun 2010 18:30
Outlook Express problem
I have 2 pc laptops in different rooms on a wired router. I share the internet signal through this and it works fine. A few months ago I upgraded one of the pcs to windows 7. Complete new install on reformatted discs and re-loaded my most important software. I did not like windows 7 much and found that a number of... 25 Jun 2010 13:12
Netsh interface names are different than ipconfig/a ????
Strange. If I go into netsh>interface and do show interfaces the interfaces have some strange random 30 char or so names In network connections, and if I run ipconfig/a they're correct. Also, tried renaming using netsh and gives error network path not found. Any ideas? ... 14 Jun 2010 14:02
Problem with recent XP Windows Update
Last Tuesday's windows update appears to have been faulty - not all of the updates installed; specifically Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Security Update for Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP x86 (KB979909) Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 Security Update for Windows 2... 16 Jun 2010 13:17
Disk Compression After DeFragmenting
Is there a way to DO Disk Compression After DeFragmenting a Drive ????? I have a 60GB Drive I defragmented but half the Files are up Front the Other Half clear down at the other end. I want to RePartition the drive so I can set up a Dual Boot Situation but only problem is GNOME under Parted Magic 2.2 scrambles up... 14 Jun 2010 11:47
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